Implementing hooks and writing internal plugins

Implementing a hook is fairly simple, and works the same way regardless of what type of hook it is (core or extension). If you are working with your own fork of repomate, all you have to do is write a small module implementing some hooks, and drop it into the repomate.ext sub-package (i.e. the in directory repomate/ext in the repomate repo).

There are two ways to implement hooks: as standalone functions or wrapped in a class. In the following two sections, we’ll implement the act_on_cloned_repo() extension hook using both techniques. Let’s call the plugin exampleplug and make sure it adheres to the plugin conventions.

Hook functions in a plugin class

Wrapping hook implementations in a class inheriting from Plugin is the recommended way to write plugins for repomate. The class does some checks to make sure that all public functions have hook function names, which comes in handy if you are in the habit of misspelling stuff (aren’t we all?). Doing it this way, would look like this:
import pathlib
import os
from typing import Union

import repomate_plug as plug

PLUGIN_NAME = 'exampleplug'

class ExamplePlugin(plug.Plugin):
    """Example plugin that implements the act_on_cloned_repo hook."""

    def act_on_cloned_repo(self,
                           path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> plug.HookResult:
        """Do something with a cloned repo.

            path: Path to the student repo.
            a plug.HookResult specifying the outcome.
        return plug.HookResult(
            hook=PLUGIN_NAME, status=plug.Status.WARNING, msg="This isn't quite done")

Dropping into the repomate.ext package and running repomate -p exampleplug clone [ADDITIONAL ARGS] should give some not-so-interesting output from the plugin.

The name of the class really doesn’t matter, it just needs to inherit from Plugin. The name of the module and hook functions matter, though. The name of the module must be the plugin name, and the hook functions must have the precise names of the hooks they implement. In fact, all public methods in a class deriving from Plugin must have names of hook functions, or the class will fail to be created. You can see that the hook returns a HookResult. This is used for reporting the results in repomate, and is entirely optional (not all hooks support it, though). Do note that if None is returned instead, repomate will not report anything for the hook. It is recommended that hooks that can return HookResult do. For a comprehensive example of an internal plugin implemented with a class, see the built-in javac plugin.

Standalone hook functions

Using standalone hook functions is recommended only if you don’t want the safety net provided by the Plugin metaclass. It is fairly straightforward: simply mark a function with the repomate_plug.repomate_hook decorator. With this approach, would look like this:
import pathlib
import os
from typing import Union

import repomate_plug as plug

PLUGIN_NAME = 'exampleplug'

def act_on_cloned_repo(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> plug.HookResult:
    """Do something with a cloned repo.

        path: Path to the student repo.
        a plug.HookResult specifying the outcome.
    return plug.HookResult(
        hook=PLUGIN_NAME, status=plug.Status.WARNING, msg="This isn't quite done")

Again, dropping into the repomate.ext package and running repomate -p exampleplug clone [ADDITIONAL ARGS] should give some not-so-interesting output from the plugin. For a more practical example of a plugin implemented using only a hook function, see the built-in pylint plugin.